Tuesday, February 13, 2007

got coders?

who doesn't? i mean we all want someone to actually do the work right :-) despair not. try some of these resources:

a word of caution: insist on good references. don't just take previous work samples for granted. anyone can show you a cool AJAXy website they had their friends whip up in the past. look for 'real' work. look for projects that still live today, and make money. (i've had a horrible experience with a so called e-lancer, and it cost me way more than i intended to save!)

networking in the valley

Here are some interesting sites to help you network while in the valley (well, just about anywhere really):
Networking, schmoozing, meeting, hobnobbing, whatever you call it, you know its one of the key ingredients to a successful venture. I've heard this so many times before, yet its still worth mentioning here "Its not what you know, its who you know!"

early bird gets the worm

motivating enough to wake up early?

brad feld

another interesting vc blogger

are you bronze?

errrr what? read on and you'll find out. another interesting write up from paul graham: "why smart people have bad ideas"

one of my favorite paul graham quotes: "There is nothing more valuable, in the early stages of a startup, than smart users. If you listen to them, they'll tell you exactly how to make a winning product. And not only will they give you this advice for free, they'll pay you."

... and another one: "Build something users love, and spend less than you make. How hard is that?"

ok, ok ... here are all of paul's essays.

gubb: the best online todo list orgnanizer

these guys are good. its called gubb and the site is all javascripty. simple and easy-to-use web interface. you can also use email and sms to manage your todo lists.

i've been using it for a while now. you can share lists with friends and family. this is the easiest way to remind someone to buy you a gift :-)

while we're on the subject of organizing, i must mention this cool new mind mapping tool i found called freemind. seems simple and easy-to-use. i'll have more to say in a few weeks. (note: its free under GPL)

notes from paul graham

two very interesting reads ...

* All about funding startups.
* Start a company early on in life: here's why.

I found these links from the Y Combinator.

yet another blogging service

i mean yet another blogging service. its called vox. looks a lot cooler than its contemporaries and apparently integrates seamlessly with youtube and flickr.

a day in the life of a venture capitalist

hype? reality? interesting read nonetheless.